Олимпиада "English in Use"
Внимание! Список тем для устной части олимпиады:
1. Life goals
2. Learning English
3. Sweet dreams
4. Robots
5. Planning our time
6. Improving the town
7. A trip to remember
Кафедра иностранных языков Юго-Западного государственного университета
Научно-образовательный Центр «LSP» (Язык для специальных целей)
Уважаемые коллеги!
Кафедра иностранных языков Юго-Западного государственного университета приглашает обучающихся 11 классов средних общеобразовательных школ и студентов выпускных курсов профессиональных учебных заведений среднего профессионального образования принять участие в региональной Олимпиаде по английскому языку «English in Use» на лучшее знание английского языка (уровень владения языком не ниже B1). Форма проведения – очная. Количество участников от одной образовательной организации неограниченно.
Абитуриентам, поступающим в Юго-Западный государственный университет, за участие в Олимпиаде предоставляется дополнительный 1 балл, победителям, занявшим (1, 2 и 3 места), – дополнительные 10 баллов при зачислении на любое направление подготовки / специальность, реализуемые в ЮЗГУ.
Олимпиада будет проводиться в два дня: 25.01.2025г. – письменная часть, 1.02.2025г. – устная часть.
Письменная часть олимпиады включает задания, соответствующие требованиям сертификационных экзаменов на определение уровня владения английским языком из следующих видов речевой деятельности: Listening, Usage, Reading, Writing.
Участникам олимпиады необходимо иметь уровень сформированности языковых компетенций (В2), который характеризуется следующими параметрами:
- владение системой лингвистических знаний, включающей знание основных фонетических, лексических, грамматических и синтаксических явлений, стилистических разновидностей функционирования изучаемого иностранного языка;
- владение запасом языковых средств (грамматических, синтаксических, лексических), достаточных для выражения собственной точки зрения и построения аргументации; высокий уровень грамматической правильности речи и использование сложных синтаксических конструкций;
- умение вычленять и использовать контекстуальные опоры для понимания смысла высказывания (в устной форме) по широкому кругу тем, интерпретировать услышанное;
- умение читать несложные публицистические тексты, извлекать из них основную информацию и детали содержания, осмысливать содержание прочитанного;
- умение обобщать информацию, полученную из разных источников информации (в устной и письменной форме);
- умение написать эссе, аргументированно излагая свою точку зрения по предложенной тематике, приводя убедительные доводы, соблюдая правила стилистического, орфографического и пунктуационного оформления.
Устная часть олимпиады предполагает собеседование участников с членами жюри. На данном этапе будет необходимо:
1. Говорить на одну из предложенных тем (монологическое высказывание) в течение 1,5 мин;
2. Принять участие в дискуссии с членами жюри по предложенной проблеме общего характера. Обучающемуся необходимо будет выбрать определенную точку зрения и придерживаться её во время всей дискуссии, приводя аргументы. Во время дискуссии каждому участнику необходимо высказать по 2-3 аргумента, отстаивая свою точку зрения (2 мин).
Примеры заданий для письменной части олимпиады, а также темы для устного общения будут предоставлены участникам за неделю до проведения олимпиады на сайте университета на странице кафедры иностранных языков https://swsu.ru/structura/up/uf/kiya/olimpiada-english-in-use/.
Для участия в Олимпиаде необходимо заполнить заявку (Приложение А) и отправить на электронный адрес konkursSWSU2021@yandex.ru до 20 января 2025 г.
Письменная часть Олимпиады состоится 25 января 2025 г. в 10.00 в аудитории 308 по адресу: г. Курск, ул. 50 лет Октября, 94.
Устная часть Олимпиады будет проходить 1 февраля 2025 г. в 10.00 в Юго-Западном государственном университете по адресу г. Курск, ул. 50 лет Октября, 94 в аудитории 308.
По результатам Олимпиады среди участников, набравшие максимальное количество баллов, будут выбраны победители.
Всем участникам олимпиады выдаются сертификаты участников. Победители Олимпиады получат сертификаты, дающие право на дополнительные баллы при поступлении в ЮЗГУ.
Контактные адреса и телефоны:
305040, Россия, г. Курск, ул. 50-лет Октября, 94.
Юго-Западный государственный университет, кафедра иностранных языков
(ауд. Г-308)
Tel: +79508747864
E-mail: konkursSWSU2021@yandex.ru
Наталья Михайловна Королева
Форма заявки на участие в региональной Олимпиаде по английскому языку
«English in Use» на лучшее знание английского языка
(уровень владения языка B2)
Полное наименование школы |
Фамилия, имя, отчество участника олимпиады |
Телефон и e-mail участника олимпиады |
Фамилия, имя, отчество учителя английского языка |
Телефон и e-mail учителя |
Образец задания для письменной части
Уважаемые участники, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что время выполнения письменных заданий олимпиады составляет 1 час 30 минут. Каждый из разделов олимпиады имеет следующие ограничения по времени:
Listening comprehension - 15 min
Use of English - 25 min
Reading comprehension - 30 min
Reading and Writing - 20 min
Section 1
You will have 10 seconds to read each question and the corresponding options. Then listen to the recording. After the recording you will have 10 seconds to choose the correct option. Circle the correct option, as in the example.
Example: How does the girl sound?
A admiring
B critical
C jealous
1. The man says the press reaction to young people’s activities is
A excessive.
B predictable.
C shocking.
2. What does the boy say about choosing which language to continue studying?
A French is the obvious choice for him.
B It’s hard to choose between the two.
C Spanish is unlikely to be useful.
3. The woman thinks the phrase “youth culture” is
A too limited.
B non-existent.
C descriptive.
4. What does the woman say has happened to Mary and Pat’s friendship?
A They’ve grown apart.
B They’ve lost contact.
C They’ve fallen out.
5. The woman thinks disagreements between adults and teenagers are
A unfortunate
B occasional
C understandable
6. What is the man trying to do?
A persuade.
B reassure.
C predict.
7. The boy is asking for more
A independence.
B money.
C choice.
8. The man thinks his daughter should be more
A ambitious.
B realistic.
C determined.
9. Who is the woman probably talking to?
A a family member.
B a personal friend.
C a work colleague.
10. The woman thinks that talking on the phone is
A important for communication.
B a rather expensive habit.
C probably a waste of time.
Test Tip
Remember you have only one chance to listen, so be sure to read the question or the beginning of the sentence first and be ready to choose the answer. If it’s a question, pay special attention to the question words. For example, in Question 4 you are listening for an amount of money
Section 2
You will hear a recording about a survey. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down what you hear.
Make sure you spell the words correctly.
Section 3
You will hear part of a radio programme about young people and technology. First read the notes below then listen and complete the notes with information from the programme. You will hear the recording twice.
Example: The speaker thinks older people’s concerns about the younger generation are natural.
12. People used to worry that............................................ would have a negative effect on children’s mathematical skills.
13. The speaker says technology improves thought by expanding people’s ..............................................
14. Some people probably thought that the invention of the wheel would make the next generation……………………
15. Today, many older people say that it is better to get information from books than…. ............................
16. All these fears tend to be exaggerated in ...........................
You will hear part of an interview about children and food. First read the notes below then listen and complete the notes with information from the interview. You will hear the recording twice.
Example: Susan Hanson is speaking as both a parent and a nutritionist.
17. Age of Susan’s daughter: ..................................................................................
18. Forcing children to eat only causes ...................................................................
19. Name of strategy recommended by nutritionists:………………………… .......................................
20. The interviewer mentions the increasing problem of ……………………….
21. Susan says ..........................................is more important than how much we eat.
Use of English
Section 1
Read through the passage and write one appropriate word of your own choice in each blank space.
The Bilingual Family This book is a handbook for all parents who might be considering bringing up their children as bilinguals. It is written……(1) the English-speaking family living in Stuttgart, or Madrid or Strasbourg, or the Danish family……..(2) lives in North America. It is not about bilingual societies: we will ……(3) talk about the distribution of speakers of two languages in countries such ……(4) Finland or Wales. The linguistic problems of immigrant groups are not discussed ……. (5): they involve social and political issues which go well ………(6) the scope of this book. Although a majority of our examples concern European families, ………(7) we have to say will be relevant to parents in many other parts of the…………(8). In the same way, although many case studies refer…………. (9) professional families, we believe that the book………(10) be useful to the wider range of increasingly mobile families faced with the problem of educating their children………..(11) two or more languages. What we have aimed at here is…………(12) help, inform and reassure parents by…….. (13) available to them the experiences of a number of other families. We have……….(14) particular theoretical or psychological axe to grind: this is not a set of dogmatic, hard and fast rules …….. (15) rather a practical discussion of……….(16) of the basic issues which we hope will help parents in their……… (17) particular situation. The book starts…………..(18) a brief presentation of the uses to………………….(19) all children, bilingual or not, put language, as……………..(20) as with the definition of a small number of terms which are useful when talking about language and language acquisition.
Section 2
Part 1
In this part you will see five short texts. In each case the text is incomplete. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the text.
Here is an example.
Peter Lamprecht comes from the States. He was born in Pittsburgh but now lives in Spain. He works for a big development company. This company builds hotels all over Spain. He started working in Spain thirty years ago ………………………………….. He has made a lot of friends and likes the life there.
A and now he wants to go back to America
B but he doesn't like it
C and now speaks Spanish fluently
D D and it is his life
The correct answer is C. Circle the right option.
1. Britain is famous for rain, especially …………………………., but a particular rainfall in Scotland in April 1974 hit the newspaper headlines. It beat the world record for acidity being roughly as acidic as lemon juice and several hundred times more acid than rain should be.
A British people typically talk about the rain
B for its April showers
C always carry an umbrella there
D at all times of the year
2. Girls and boys, come out to play,
The moon does shine as bright as day;
Leave your supper and leave your seat,
And join your playfellows in the street.
Come with a whoop and come with a call,
Come with a good will or not at all.
And she who holds longest will be our queen.
A let us dance on the open green
B and see the grown-ups walking up and down
C with me and be my love
D to my party if you possibly can
3.Persons looking after hair, skin, clothes etc.
barber: person (usually a man) who cuts men's hair and shaves them: He went to the barber / barber's for a haircut.
hairdresser: someone who shapes the hair into a style, by cutting, setting etc. or (…………………………………………..) changes its colour: She fixed a time to see her hairdresser.
A sometimes even
B if you have plenty of money
C usually of women's hair
D if it is going grey
4. To reach the hotel take the airport bus to the city center terminal. On leaving the terminal building walk across the square…………………………... The hotel is to the right of the block facing you, next door to the exclusive Soki department store. Trolleys are available at the terminal for those wishing help with their baggage.
A which you will see immediately in front of you
B which is sixty yards back down one of the roads going to the harbour
C you can't miss it
D and take the no. 31 bus towards the beach.
5. As for Rosie Linley, lounging in a deckchair on her luxury yacht, she might well be said to have come a long way. Not merely from the port which the Rosemary had left three weeks previously but more significantly …………………………….. with her stepmother, two brothers and one sister. Sometimes she wondered how the others had turned out.
A the many adventures she had had
B than the journeys made together
C she loved just being on the yacht
D from her beginnings in the cramped flat
Part 2
Look at the tables below and on the next page. Use the information from the article to complete the tables. Note that it may not be possible to complete all the boxes in the tables.
Pocket money statistics
Average pocket money |
Average for 12-year-old |
Average for 16-year-old |
Average % increase over last year |
Inflation rate |
Percentage of teenagers answering “Yes” to the questions indicated.
Do you save regularly? |
Do you have cash-dispenser card? (16-year olds) |
Would you consult your parents before making a big decision conceming money? |
The best and worst groups according to the criteria listed.
Amount of pocket money received |
Satisfaction with amount of pocket money received |
Care taken with money received |
Possession of a cash-dispenser card |
Largest proportion of money spent on clothes |
Largest proportion of money spent on books |
Generosity i.e. tendency to buy resents |
The second Halifax survey into the changing habits of teenagers reveals that the average pocket money rate has risen to £3.60 per week — a 4% increase on last year's figures. With inflation at 7.7% teenagers are effectively worse off.
The survey among Halifax account holders finds that these youngsters are probably more careful with their money than many adults.
Apparently a large percentage of the pocket money may well end up in the bank or building society as 90 % of those surveyed said they saved on a regular basis.
The average pocket money varies greatly depending on the age of the child. As a national average, a 12-year-old received £2.50 a week, whereas a 16year-old would get £5.50.
The survey shows some interesting regional differences. Predictably, teenagers in London and the South-east receive on average the most pocket-money with those in the Southwest and western regions being the worst off.
Northern Ireland teenagers are most dissatisfied with the amount of money they receive, whereas London and East Anglian teenagers are happiest with their lot.
However, the myth of the Scots being the most careful with their money does not seem to apply to teenagers. According to the survey, London teenagers are the most frugal, whereas those from the North-west are most likely to be careless with their money.
Apparently, Scottish teenagers find it embarrassing to be caught without money and any savings they have will be reserved for a future large purchase.
Unlike many adults, teenagers are at ease with technology, with 76% of 16year-olds having a cash-dispenser card. The highest percentage of teenage card holders is in Northern Ireland.
Teenagers spend most of their money on clothes. Other favourite purchases include magazines, records and sweets. The most style conscious would appear to be the Scottish teenagers who spend 51 % of their money on clothes, but nothing on books or stationery. Conversely, Northern Ireland teenagers spend the least on clothes and the most on sweets and books.
The most generous teenagers are those from the South-east who spend 23% of their money on presents.
The most likely presents they will buy for their parents seems to be perfume or after-shave. Would-be recipients of such presents may be pleased to hear that the survey finds that teenagers dislike the idea of expensive private education.
Some 80% of respondents have good relationships with their parents and would consult them before making major decisions: including, presumably, where to invest their pocket money.
Reading and Writing
Win money for a charity of your own choice
Would you like £5,000 for someone or something you know that needs it badly? We are giving this wonderful sum of money to the person who writes the best description of how they would use the money and why they feel their idea is an important one. Write to us saying what you would do remember the money is not for you yourself but for a worthy cause - old people or children, medical research or a conservation project, for example. Send us your entry by the end of June and we shall announce the results in August.
Write your entry to the above competition using the space provided below (150-200 words). Try to use advanced vocabulary, modal and phrasal verbs, passive voice constructions and Participles. Pay attention to the grammatical accuracy, spelling, punctuation, handwriting, lexis, cohesive device, sentence length, clauses types.